Ignite Your Core

Aired -

Rachel Soon

Originally Southeast Asian, Rachel has dedicated over 1500 teaching hours in the past 5 years. Incredibly passionate about yoga, she loves the physical, mental and spiritual practice of it all.  You can expect p...
A dynamic power vinyasa yoga practice that will fire up your core and leave you feeling strong, centered, and energized. Whether you're looking to improve your yoga practice or simply strengthen your core, this video is suitable for all levels, with modifications provided.

Yoga Flow is based on the fundamentals of vinyasa, a dynamic asana (posture) practice including pranayama (breath regulation), movement, and transitions. This class involves intentional placement of body, breath, and attention to develop mind-body awareness, flexibility, strength, and concentration; it is often built around Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations). All practice levels are welcome.