Hips, Hamstrings, Balance!

Aired -

Christie Pitko

Christie Pitko, E RYT-500, began practicing yoga in 2001, and since then, it has healed her spirit, ignited creativity, and encouraged her to take her time. She enjoys helping students stay curious about the inne...
Props: strap, block. This carefully sequenced class guides us towards Utthita Hasta Padangusthasna (Hand to Big Toe Pose) and variations.

Yoga Flow is based on the fundamentals of vinyasa, a dynamic asana (posture) practice including pranayama (breath regulation), movement, and transitions. This class involves intentional placement of body, breath, and attention to develop mind-body awareness, flexibility, strength, and concentration; it is often built around Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations). All practice levels are welcome.