Expansion, Space & the Heart

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Michelle Nayeli Bouvier

Michelle ‘Nayeli’ Bouvier is a Prana Vinyasa™ Yoga Teacher Trainer, Certified Yoga Therapist, Hoopdance pioneer, Advanced Certified AcroYoga Teacher, Thai Massage Practitioner, and dancer devoted to the art and s...
Find spaciousness in breath + movement - feel like you're stretching time as you expand into the begining-middle-end of each breath. This practice teaches how to move from biotensegrity, culminating in natarajasana & dwi pada dhanurasana.

Yoga Flow is a dynamic system of practicing asana by linking breath to continuous movement in sequence. This style of yoga builds heat, endurance, flexibility, and strength through focused concentration. An attentive ear and some knowledge of basic yoga postures is recommended to keep pace with the flow. Sequencing is often built around sun salutations, and may vary with teacher. Students are encouraged to modify and take variations if needed. Open to all levels of practice.