Playful Pathways

Aired -

Michelle Nayeli Bouvier

Michelle ‘Nayeli’ Bouvier is a Prana Vinyasa™ Yoga Teacher Trainer, Certified Yoga Therapist, Hoopdance pioneer, Advanced Certified AcroYoga Teacher, Thai Massage Practitioner, and dancer devoted to the art and s...
Enjoy a cyclic pathway that weaves movement in all directions, bringing flow as a felt sense to all parts of your body. Tons of creative hip mobility, core connection, and extra love for your writsts.

Yoga Flow is based on the fundamentals of vinyasa, a dynamic asana (posture) practice including pranayama (breath regulation), movement, and transitions. This class involves intentional placement of body, breath, and attention to develop mind-body awareness, flexibility, strength, and concentration; it is often built around Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations). All practice levels are welcome.