Flow Of Traffic

Aired -

Reb Gee

Reb came to yoga through dance. An at-home dance DVD that quickly became utilized solely for the amazing yoga warm up, established their personal practice at 16 years old. As a 20 year old waiting tables, Reb wou...
This flow class brings you back to your intuition and allows you to trust the movement so the mind can rest. Moving with the mat next to you, fueled with trust and the rhythym of the breath. Being in "Flow State" independently is great state of mind, but in a room full of people? That's a whole 'nother kind of magic. Plus..it's the unspoken rule of the road, that as long as you're going the flow of traffic you're not getting a ticket right? Let's push the speed limit a little for an hour. 

Yoga Flow is based on the fundamentals of vinyasa, a dynamic asana (posture) practice including pranayama (breath regulation), movement, and transitions. This class involves intentional placement of body, breath, and attention to develop mind-body awareness, flexibility, strength, and concentration; it is often built around Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations). All practice levels are welcome.