Opening the Hips

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Tammy Hayano

Tammy founded Hanuman Yoga Retreat & Holistic Living in 2013. She offers a variety of approaches for wellness, healing, and connection. For her, life is an inward and outward journey to expand the relationship wi...
Through a range of yoga poses, we will open up the hips. We'll also notice how to create more spaciousness in the body.

Yoga Align gives attention to form, movement and alignment of yoga poses through safe instruction. Close attention to detail is the catalyst for the physical, mental and spiritual transformation of your yoga practice. Typical yoga postures, asana, are practiced generally without flowing movement, may be repeated, and are often broken down to bring greater awareness to the action of the poses.
Classes may include pranayama and meditation. Open to all levels of practice.

Recommended Props (or substitutions!):
  • Yoga blocks (alternatives are to have an extra towel folded into a small square, or stacked books)