Creating Spaciousness and Stability

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Tammy Hayano

Tammy founded Hanuman Yoga Retreat & Holistic Living in 2013. She offers a variety of approaches for wellness, healing, and connection. For her, life is an inward and outward journey to expand the relationship wi...
When we hold our intention for spaciousness and stability, we can better track and adjust our alignment in any pose. Noticing what is happening in our physical, mental, and emotional sensations helps to inform what gentle movements can open up our experience more. 

Yoga Align is based on the fundamentals of Hatha Yoga. In this class you will focus on form, alignment, and yoga asana (posture) though methodical instruction. Poses are often broken down to bring greater awareness to the actions within the structure. Classes may include pranayama (breath regulation) and meditation and often use props.