King Pigeon: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

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Cristina Bacca

Cristina began practicing yoga in 2008 in her hometown, Huntington Beach. While studying Psychology and Gender & Sexualities Studies at USF, Cristina found refuge taking classes at Yoga Garden SF. After earning h...
Well rounded vinyasa flow focusing on hip and shoulder opening as well as core engagement to prepare you for Eka Pada Rajakapotasana or King Pigeon Pose. Props needed: 2 blocks and a strap; a blanket will also be helpful.

Yoga Align is based on the fundamentals of Hatha Yoga. In this class you will focus on form, alignment, and yoga asana (posture) though methodical instruction. Poses are often broken down to bring greater awareness to the actions within the structure. Classes may include pranayama (breath regulation) and meditation and often use props.