Foundations of Flow

Aired -

Jenniferlyn Chiemingo

Hello! My name is Jenniferlyn, but I’m known affectionately by my students and friends as JL. I teach weekly yoga classes in the Bay Area and lead intimate life-changing yoga retreats around the World. I’m also p...
Get some of the basics of yoga practice like three-part breath, observing your breath, as well as the foundations of common standing poses like warrior 2, exalted warrior and side angle pose. Get confident by taking it all slowly and asking questions too! 

Foundations Yoga emphasizes the principles and foundations of yoga asana (posture) and pranayama (breath regulation). In this class, you will learn proper alignment and how to connect movements to the breath. Poses are held for multiple breaths and are often broken down step-by-step to build deeper awareness of the body (interoception).