Renee Asteria Penaloza

I am passionate about all aspects of health and fitness and love helping people reach their goals! I have a multidisciplinary background, music production, public health research and fitness (personal training / ...

Calisthenics Foundations


at 20th Street (3315 20th Street San Francisco, CA 94110)

Learn how your body is the only gym you need! This class is for all levels and is recommended prior to taking Calisthenics 1. A resistance training class which uses body weight and minimal equipment (bars, rings, bands, and boxes) to build strength and mobility. You should feel comfortable placing weight on wrists and using shoulders as hanging and planking are foundational movements for this class. We begin with a full body warm-up and work to build the strength and mobility required to perform skills such as handstands, L-sit, pistol squats and more.